Call for Workshop Proposals


IoTaaS 2017 caters for a limited number of workshops on dedicated session topics.
The aim of these workshops is to discuss work in progress and explore opportunities for new research related to a topic of interest within the context of the conference.

Proposals will be evaluated regarding relevance and anticipated interest, and should include Workshop title, presenter information, abstract, and intended audience.

The list of covered topics is, without being limited to, as follows:

You are invited to submit high-quality papers in the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Smart objects as a service;
  • IoT marketplace – for offering IoT based applications and services;
  • API economy – for easier and tighter integration;
  • Semantic Web technologies for IoT: registry, storage;
  • IoT delivery platforms – existing and emerging platform and architectures for exposing and interacting with IoT;
  • Non Functional Requirements (NFR) for IoT – security, scalability, responsiveness and more;
  • Standardization – standard areas needed;
  • Business models;
  • IoT DevOps;
  • IoT data management and related analytics;
  • IoT application deployment success stories;
  • Mobile First IoT: mobile backend as a services (MBaaS) and smartphone as data prosumers.

A workshop proposal should contain:

  • Title of the workshop
  • A brief description of the specific technical issues that the workshop will address
  • The reasons why the workshop is interesting and timely
  • A draft call for papers, including the workshop submission deadlines
  • Tentative composition of the organizing and program committees

Presentations delivered during the workshops are based on papers that have been selected through peer- review process. Accepted workshop papers are included in the Conference Proceedings. Best workshop paper publications may be included in various Transactions or other journals.